Wednesday, January 14, 2015

19 months!!

This past month has definitely been hard on everyone, including her.  Losing her best friend has definitely taken a toll on her.  Every baby she sees she calls them "chelle" and every picture of her sister she sees she gets this huge smile on her face like she did when she would see Rochelle every morning after she woke up.  She is an amazing girl who is strong-willed, defiant, loves to show off toddler who has so much love and joy to give! We love her so much and will give her the best life possible.

Height: 33 inches

Weight: 24 pounds

Shoe size: Some are 5, majority size 6.

-Sweets (Candy, Coffee, Soda) UGH! all things we don't give her a lot of, but when she sees these she HAS to have some.
-Barney (Has to see at least one episode a day!)
-Food (She is at the age where she loves to snack all day instead of eat big meals with us)
-Her wubbanub paci  (Still LOVES this thing)
-Still LOVES to color--I mean it's an all day activity.
-LOVES to dance!! Her favorite songs are Let it go, Shake it off, and turn down for what! (loves all music)
-Video chat.  At least once a day she has to talk to her Nana and Grandpa.
-Animals.  All dogs are named after our dog Toby and all cats are named Oscar.
-Talking (I swear once they start, they don't stop!) lol She talks so well :)
-To show her love for her sister
-To ride on Daddy's back

-Changing diapers/clothes--unless we bribe her it's going to be a battle.
-Getting out of the bath. I swear we need to set aside an hour for this. She hates getting out.
-When we don't understand what she is trying to say to us.
-To be scared.  Or to see scary things. She will say "Mommy cow scary"
-When people are hugging or touching each other.  She hates PDA lol!
-To leave mommy

Teeth: 16 teeth. No new teeth this past month, thank goodness!

Diapers: Size 5.  Bought some potty training diapers so hopefully we will get to doing that soon.

Signing- More, sad, happy, dirty, hot, cold, all done, milk, thank you, please --We have slacked A LOT from signing this past month and we really need to get on it again!

Words- From the moment she wakes up to when she goes to bed she loves to talk all day.  We may not know what she is saying all the time, but she loves to talk.

Understanding- She mostly understands everything.  It's so crazy that we can tell two or three steps at a time and she will complete it all.  It's crazy because I think she is better at this then her daddy is at times (( I think it's a girl thing )) ;)
Let it go!

Loves her Daddy

Loves to type

Loving on sister in their matching outfits

Eating oatmeal for dinner! lol 

Helping mommy clean

looking so grown up!!

All ready for winter!

So cute!!

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