Monday, July 14, 2014

20 week check-up! (7/3/14)

Baby: 20 weeks old! Baby is the size of a Banana (7 In., 11 oz.) Went to our regular MD this week just to do a general check-up on the baby, get all my labs done, and see our Doctor.  Baby is doing great, kicking and moving a lot and not cooperating during the sonogram (like usual) lol, and measuring all the correct sizes still so I am very excited about that.  The sonographer did confirm that there is indeed one artery and one vein, and also that the baby does have ECF (echogenic cardiac focus) which my doctor stated that they are soft markers on the baby's heart and not much to worry about, a lot of kids are born with them. She also stated that the baby does not have a cleft lip, she showed us the babies mouth clearly so we were excited to hear that! Also, they were unable to find any holes in the heart at this time.  We will confirm in two weeks with an Echocardiogram to see exactly what is going on with her heart and what precautionary measures we will need to take. This whole process always seems like  a waiting game.

Mommy:  Since everything has been so rushing around with different appointments with different results and work in the mix, I decided I needed this month to relax and just really focus on everything that God has planned for us, and for me to really cherish every moment of this pregnancy and being a great mother to Brielle. I did opt to get a genetic chromosome testing since this is our second pregnancy with a genetic problem, even though they say that either one did not occur from Shane and I, we still want to know what would possibly happen for our kids in their futures.

Daddy: We have been missing daddy a lot, so July is our time to spend as much time with him as possible without me having to travel so much.  He really does anything and everything to make sure his girls are happy all the time.  He is such a great help with Brielle; it's so nice to be home.

Cravings: There really haven't been any these past few weeks.  After the popcorn craving I just mellowed down but today I have eaten Shane's parents home grown cantelope so much and it tastes AMAZING! I think the stress of finding out the results, and just everything involved I just want to make sure I am doing what is best for the baby at all times.

Brielle: Officially does like anyone touching me.  It's hilarious how over-protective she is of me (At the Doctors).  She wouldn't even go to Shane went it was time for the sonographer to check the baby she had to sit on the bed with me and hold me, and she also tried to wipe the gel off my belly.  Hilarious.  She got a baby doll on our way home and she is in LOVE with it, she kisses her like 100+ times a day and carries her everywhere.  I think it's adorable and hoping this works for our future when another baby girl enters this world! Oh and we got told today at the Doctor's office that Brielle is talking a LOT for her age! I completely agree and think it's so funny how much she talks and understands what you say :)

Here are a couple of pictures, again of the face and the gender but some of Brielle at the appointment as well :)
Sorry I didn't rotate it before uploading!

Eating at Tokyo Grill

Asleep with her precious doll!

With mommy after the appointment :)

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