Sunday, June 22, 2014

Alone Time

  Since my work schedule has been super busy this past week, and my parents are the ones who watch Brielle, my mom just offered to keep Brielle for two days and give Shane and I some time to ourselves after work and just relax.  At first, of course I was VERY hesistant, since I hate leaving her unless absolutely necessary but I knew she was going to be in great hands and that made saying yes that much easier!
  It was so nice to be able to seriously deep clean my entire house and put up all of Brielle's birthday decorations and gifts/clothes.  You never really have that time to really deep clean often with a baby who gets into everything and things don't stay clean long so it was SO nice to be able to do that and not worry if Brielle was going to take a shorter nap and not give me time or having to cook and prepare the next meal for her.  I never really noticed how nice it was to have a day to that, but so glad I did.
  What we also really enjoyed was having time to just communicate and laugh and have time to hang out just the two of us.  Usually we don't like when Brielle goes anywhere when I am at my home town so Shane can spend as much time with Brielle as possible before we leave again-so it's rare that we get to have a date night and just hang out and be together.  It was amazing to say the least.  Usually the two hours after Brielle goes to bed is used to talk about upcoming appointments, work schedules, any family events coming up, etc. so we don't really get to talk about each other.
  Shane decided that we should just go fishing (his favorite thing to do) at the river, then go to dinner before we head back home.  It was so good to be able to connect and talk about our future, and what we want to do to better ourselves and set new goals to accomplish.  Of course by the end of the night we had to call Brielle to say goodnight and talk to her as much as possible and she is hilarious on the phone (usually dropping it a few times) and we couldn't wait to see her again! Thanks again Mom and Mike for watching her, it was much needed and we are very thankful! :)

Here are some pictures of the river and some pictures my mom sent me when she was watching Brielle.

Brielle playing peek-a-boo


You can't really tell but there are a family of snakes :/

playing in her car seat, very rare!

Brielle playing with the dogs

Mike loved this straw lol!

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