Mommy: I have been working and picking up extra days a couple of days this month just to have more saved for when baby girl gets here. I only get a couple of hours of sleep when I stay at my moms--not sure why but I am only able to sleep comfortably in my own bed. Brielle is the same and wakes up in the middle of the night majority every week I work in Austin. I am tired right now and haven't been to the gym, but hopefully I can get back in there soon!!
Daddy: Is definitely ready to meet his new baby girl and is growing more in his relationship with Brielle every day. Still the daily foot rubs are amazing and much needed after VERY long shifts! Also helping me start to organize all the baby stuff from Brielle and get stuff more and more put together again in the house.
Cravings: Anything sweet. I did my glucose test two weeks ago and the results were great so I am glad that my body is able to handle all the sweets I have been consuming! I ate pickles the other day thinking a lot of pregnant women do it so I wanted to try it to curb from craving and that was a major negative. I was up all night with heartburn, no bueno!
Brielle: She is going to be the best big sister!! She kisses my belly every day and says "sister" but when you ask her where Rochelle is she points to her belly. So cute!! She still has to work on not hitting her cousins when she wants to play with them and has definitely gone into time out a few times for that! I know it's just a phase and will hopefully pass sooner than later! She kisses her cousin Aiden about 100 times a day when my parents keep all the grand kids together. She has an obsession with babies, it's hilarious. Can't believe she is 15 months already!! Where in the world has time gone? She is growing more and more independent every day!
We will be at the doctor's again in 2 weeks for another check-up and can't wait!

Matching Sister shirts!
Me and my big bump!
Brielle loving her some candy!
I finally bought shadow boxes for Brielle and Rochelle
Sister matching outfits-Another one I made.
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