Monday, February 24, 2014


  Last night as I was washing dishes,  I was listening to Joel Osteen since I had to miss my Church from Home,  because I had to work 12 hours in Austin.  He was preaching on how so many of us have so many negative things that happen to us everyday,  and all we really need to say is All. IS. WELL.
  So of course this got me thinking of what my step-dad is going through right now, and having to endure so much pain and suffering in these last few months.   He told me when he finally accepted to go on Hospice it's like he gave up his fight (and stubbornness)  with all the doctors and nurses and finally said all is well, so he can be comfortable and his pain can be tolerable. He is staying strong and following orders, and I know God is going to give him the strength that he needs to continue on! He is living every day to the fullest!
  It seems like so many of us (me included),  complain about traffic going to work or coming home,  or the fact that they may not have the money they need to pay a bill or buy something they need but we all just need to know and be reassured that God always provides us with what we need,  it may not be right when we want it,  but God always delivers.

So today,  instead of complaining and stressing about something just say to yourself All. IS. WELL.  It really works.  I hope you all enjoy your day!
This is my amazing step-dad David! 

This little beauty only let me get 2-3 hours of sleep two nights ago,  but all is well!