Thursday, October 2, 2014

5 Fun Toddler Activities

  During this week that I took off from work I knew I really wanted Brielle to have some fun new activites to do around the house and I wanted to share a few of them that she has absolutely loved! Let me start off by saying that my child rarely sits down for more then a few minutes to enjoy a certain activity, but these got a good 30+ minutes out of her which was amazing!

  1.)  Put the ball through the roll.
  In this activity, you will need an empty paper towel roll, some tape, and pink pom-pom balls or whatever you would like to use to put through the paper towel roll.  We also added a blue bowl at the bottom to catch them which made it a little more fun.
  To do this activity it really is as easy as it sounds.  You just put three pieces of tape length wise on the paper towel roll to stick it to an empty part of the wall, and place the bowl underneath it.  Then you just take the pom-pom balls and put them through it.  Easy as that.  And while we were doing this we were practicing our counting which is always great!

2.) Push the pipes through the strainer.
  In this activity, you will need a bag of pipe cleaners and a strainer that is preferably a bowl so that you can easily flip over.
  To do this activity is so fun and super easy, you just flip the strainer over and see how many pipe cleaners your child can put through the holes without any help! Brielle did great for the first few until they started bending then I had to teach her to hold the pipe cleaners at the bottom and put it through and she loved it!

3.) Trace the shapes
 In this activity you will need a box of crayons and a coloring book or just blank pieces of computer paper like I used and draw the outline of the shapes yourself.
  To do this activity is simple, all you need is to help your child focus on how to trace the different shapes, or anything that you have pre-outlined on the paper for them that you would like for them to go over.  This required a lot of help from me to my 15 month old, but she will get there someday! She is great at drawing lines right now, and just loves the act of coloring.

4.) Reading with expression.
  In this activity you will need some interesting, new colorful books for your child to read.
  To do this activity, I just bought a couple of animal books and went for it! I used loud, funny voices for all of the animals in the stories and Brielle REALLY stayed focused the entire "story time".  It is so fun to be crazy and weird with your children as well so they know how different animals sound and they can start understanding the story in their own way.

5.) Chalk time!
  In this activity, all you will need is a box of chalk and a sidewalk area to do it.
  To do this activity I would just use a couple of colors of chalk so your child does not get distracted/overwhelmed by the amount in the entire box.  We have been practicing how to spell her name for a little while now so when we ask her how to spell it she will draw a line and say "B" and then another one and say "E" haha so we are missing all the letters in between but she will absolutely spend 30 minutes-1 hour outside playing with the different chalk and trying to draw different things.
Pushing the pipe cleaners through the strainer. 

So many! 

Practicing counting while putting the balls through. 

Chalk time! 

I hope this helps a few mommas who just want to add some new fun activities into their house! :)

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