Friday, September 5, 2014

Turning 26 and my 29 week check-up!

  I would have to say yesterday was one of the most relaxing/calm birthdays I have had in a while. Since we already celebrated a couple of weeks ago with all of our friends, it was a day for Shane and I just to be with each other.  Well if you add our doctor's appointment, going to toyota dealership, the mall, and registering at the hospital I guess you could say we spent it with a lot of other people as well! :)
  The morning started out with Shane and I having to be at the Doctor's office by 8:30am for our ultrasound that I requested to make sure baby Rochelle was growing ok and measuring right.  I was 29weeks and 4 days and she is measuring 33w and4 days in leg length, 31weeks in the head circumference (even though this was a hard measurement since she is already head down and wasn't planning on repositioning for the sonographer) and about 29 weeks or so measuring all around the belly.  She is growing great and overall and that put me at ease a lot.  Her heart rate was 140bpm and sounding great but the sonographer was having a hard time finding her VSD in her heart but she said "good thing you went to an expert because that is hard to see on here!" Of course when trying to get us cute print out pictures, Rochelle wouldn't cooperate one bit with a side profile, so we got two pictures of her face (she has Brielle's nose! so cute!) and one picture saying it's a girl (for the 5th time) lol but she was kicking up a storm and moving around a lot which I loved!  She is also weighing in at 3pounds 6 ounces (58th percentile). Then we met up with the doctor after I had to drink that disgusting glucose drink for my 1 hour test and discussed our plans for delivery once again and he is thinking about taking the induction much slower this time (if I don't into labor on my own) and make sure she is tolerating labor ok. Shane and I both agreed that would be the best approach and he also asked if she isn't tolerating labor would I like a C-section and I said of course! Even though he said the likelihood and survival might not be good, he agreed with us that we should fight for baby girl and I am glad he is on our side on doing whatever we can to make sure she has the best life possible.  The NICU team will also be there at delivery to make sure they thoroughly check over her as well, so we feel much more confident about the entire process. I went back to get my labs drawn for the blood testing and we return back in 2 weeks! We can't believe it's already that time for 2 week check-ups!
  Then Shane and I went to the mall for a little bit and he surprised me with my dream rose gold watch and earrings! I LOVE them and he knows how much I have wanted them for so long and I am definitely appreciate of him.  We usually don't spend much on each other as majority goes into savings for the kids but every once in a while it's a great treat!
  We then celebrated at Olive Garden and had an amazing lunch and then went to go register at the hospital! Donna (the lady we registered with) is seriously the funniest woman on the planet and had us laughing the entire time I was signing my life away! I just love the hospital and the staff that we chose.  We will be there in about 10 short weeks!  She told us to email her after our next appointment so we could maybe swing by the NICU and meet some of the team that would be at delivery. We can't wait for that!

Thank you to everyone who said Happy Birthday to me via FB, Text, Phone calls I truly appreciate it and thank you so much to my parents for watching Brielle for us while we had a day to ourselves!

My new watch and earrings!

I LOVE them!

Grandpa and Brielle on the exercise ball

Brielle making huge mess of oatmeal with my parents!

Had to get a birthday cookie from Great American Cookies

Baby Rochelle!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. Let us know when it's good to catch up with yall before the arrival of baby Rochelle. :)
